Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Life Management Plan: The Big Picture

1.) Who is in charge of your life?
Is your life governed by fate or chance? As foster children, our early circumstances are often dictated by forces outside of our control. But when we enter the adult world, the outcome of our lives is largely determined by the choices that we make from then on.

A self-forming person is a person who takes responsibility for their own lives. They mold their own future, through their choices and the actions they take.

Self-formation is a process of interacting with others, deciding what is most important to you, and then taking action.

2.) Why do I need a life management plan?
It outlines your vision for your life, and what you desire for your future.

Ask yourself questions like:
-What is most important to me?
-What are my short-term goals?
-What are my long-term goals?
-What resources do I need to achieve my aspirations?
-What do I need to balance in my life? (example: career and children)

Be prepared to revise and change your plan, as necessary.
- Sometimes, our goals change. Unexpected circumstances might arise, and lead us in another direction.

- It's important to have the courage to see things for what they are, and be willing to establish a new vision, if appropriate.

You will undoubtedly experience barriers on the road:
- In aging out of foster care, you are entering into the unknown. When you try new things, it is unrealistic to expect that you will always do them perfectly.

-You might lack the circle of support experienced by your peers. It is up to you to develop support systems of your own.

- Sometimes your past will resurface and haunt you emotionally. Again, I address this issue more thoroughly on my other blog:

Be your own cheerleader:
- Imagine achieving your goals
- Work hard and don't stop trying
- Look for the good in what you have done
- Celebrate your achievements

Kister, Joanna. Life Planning Resource Guide. Ohio Department of Education, 1994.

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