Cleaning My Place ~ activities and resources
Education, Job Seeking Skills, and Job Maintenance Skills ~ activities and resources
Housing, Transportation, Community Resources, Understanding the Law, and Recreation ~ activities and resources
Hungry? Eat Healthy! Activities for Real Life Learning has over 40 pages of reproducible sheets which include meal analysis and plans; grocery store shopping; reading labels; scavenger hunts; time management sheets; cooking and restaurant experiences; and community involvement.
I Can Do It! A Micropedia of Living on Your Own: This engaging, easy to use resource can be used by older youth to guide them through most topics pertaining to living on their own, including budgeting, housing, daily living and relationships. For self-teaching or group teaching.
I Know Where I'm Going (But Will My Cash Keep Up?) A two-part workbook for youth ages 12 and older focusing on all aspects of money management. Developed specifically for youth in out-of-home care, it is applicable to all. Self-teaching tool, or use with adult supervision.
I Need a Place to Live! Activities for Real Life Learning has 49 pages of creative, reproducible worksheets, teaching ideas and tests. Included are lease and rental applications; apartment check-lists; cost planning sheets; needs and wants analysis; furnishings inventory; and preplanning guides.
Lookin' Good! Activities for Real Life Learning has over 40 pages of reproducible sheets. Includes clothing plans; line and design; grooming; color analysis; mending, chopping challenges; thrift shop style show; laundry & stain removal activities.
Money, Home and Food Management Activity/Resource Workbook
Personal Care, Health, Social Skills, and Safety Activity/Resource Workbook
Young Parents Guide ~ Activities and Resources